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Twin Cities Diversity in Practice Featured Lawyer: Elizabeth Kniffen

March 13, 2015

Zelle Hofmann Minneapolis partner Elizabeth Kniffen participated in a recent Twin Cities Diversity in Practice Q&A.

Liz is actively involved with Twin Cities Diversity in Practice and serves on its Professional Development and Recruiting committees.

4 Questions on how you got where you are today:

How did you do it?

Since joining the firm as a summer associate in law school, I have been fortunate to be surrounded by colleagues who are passionate about their work, the firm, and their personal interests.  I have built my practice by following their example.  In addition to hard work and mentorship from within the firm, the support from my family and friends has been critical to my success.

What do you do outside of the law?

Outside the law, I am on the go – chasing three active children.  School, swimming, violin, hockey, and everything in between.

Who were the people critical to your success?

I have had many formal and informal mentors over the years, all of whom contributed to my success.  In particular, Dan Millea has been a tremendous sponsor and advocate for me both internally and with clients.  The strong relationships I have with my colleagues and clients are the driving force behind my practice, making work enjoyable every day.

Who do you want to thank?

I am thankful to my colleagues and clients.  I am also thankful to my family and my friends, who have been a tremendous source of support throughout my entire career.  Finally, I would not be where I am today without my husband, Tom.

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