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Jessica Port to Present at PLRB 2024 Western Regional Adjusters Conference

June 25, 2024

Jessica Port, a senior associate in Zelle’s Washington, DC office, will present “In Defense of the Insurance Adjuster: How to Navigate Written and Implied Duties” at the PLRB 2024 Western Regional Adjusters Conference on June 25-26, 2024, in Anaheim, CA. Jessica will be joined in the presentation by Gene Strother, President, Adjust U.

This interactive class trains adjusters on how to defensively navigate the many ethical requirements of insurance adjusters. Attendees will learn to recognize the inherent conflict of loyalties in their career, and receive instruction on the claims-adjusting actions that are required and prohibited by various ethics codes, rules, and regulations. This instruction will then be applied through case studies, with full participation from the attendees.

The case studies are based upon real-life situations where courts scrutinized the actions of insurance adjusters during the claims handling process to determine whether the insurer acted in bad faith. Throughout, the presenters will identify “red flags” signaling potential bad faith scenarios and offer tips on avoiding and adjusting defensively against bad faith accusations.

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